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Privacy Policy

We may from time to time change this Privacy Policy, so please review it frequently.

1.Non-personal data

"Non-personal data" means information such as IP address, MAC address, geographical data etc. that does not directly identify you.

We may use tools or third party analytical software to automatically collect this informations. To collect non-personal data through our website we use Webalizer analytics tools as long as our website is under construction.

2.Personal data

We don't collect any personal data from users through our website as long as it is under construction

3.Children's Privacy

We respect the privacy of children and do not collect personal data from childeren or a user that identifies himself or herself as a child under the age of 16 through our website or in our apps and will delete any personal data of such user after providing a service.

4.Our Apps

4.1. Apps for families and users of all ages

While some of our apps may be designed for families and users of all ages, whenever we collect personal data from a child, we only keep the information for the time we need it to provide a service. If a child under the age of 16 use an app that's designed for users of all ages, we will send an email to the child's parent before collecting any information from the child. If the parents allow us, their child can use our app and services. We won't use the email addresses of parents for any other purpose.


you can see the page of i2t-support-team with a button to send an email to us, if only an app has an error by installing or using. This email helps us to gain a better understanding of our problems in the app, to solve them and to develop better apps in the future. If you send us it, we will receive your email address and possibly other personal and non-personal information. No information from your email will be shared with third parties and we do not use this information for any other purposes. We will only keep it as long as it is needed to solve the problems and after that this information is being deleted immediately and we will only keep our error information.


Our Apps may be contain ads from Google Admob that may use some information of your devices (not including your name, address, email address, telephone number, etc.) to provide appropriate advertisements.


When you visit our website (www.i2t.eu), we send any cookies to your computer as long as our website is under construction.


If you have any questions relating to this privacy policy, please contact us by email : privacypolicy[at]i2t.eu.